Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Rasta Gnome

This character is for an animation class that we are doing a short film in. Concepts done in Photoshop in about 10 hours. (Far right not quite done.)

The top image is the character in progress. I have adapted Zbrush now fully into my work flow and I never want to go back to Maya for organic characters like this again. I started out sculpting him in Zbrush and retopologized him. Then I brought him back into Maya for some touch up and unwrapping. Finally I brought him back into Zbrush for a high polly sculpt. I just had a pretty successfull normal map bake yesterday. All that's left is some touch up on that and texture painting. With this work flow I have gotten a character that is in my opinion beyond anything I have done in regards to topology and just the look of the model itself so I am pretty excited. Programs used are Maya, Zbrush, Photoshop and Headus UV Layout.


This is the best head sculpt I have made so far in Zbrush. I am trying to learn the program on my own time since I haven't had any classes. It took me about 5 hours and I plan on turning it into a full character. Here is also a figure sculpt I did for anatomy class. This probably took around 8 hours.

I phone game level.

These are screenshots from the game in Unity 3D.
Here is my first concept I did for this game, that I also use as the title screen. It depicts the main character Momota in his forest home.

Here is a bunch of sketch's of some of the characters and enemies for the game.

This is a 3D render of Mamota and one of the enemies I came up with for the game.

This is the breakdown for the two characters I modeled. Programs used are Maya, Zbrush, Crazybump, Photoshop and Headus UV Layout. All textures are hand painted.
Here is a breakdown of the Level I built. It is a low polly 2D side scroller with all the textures hand painted. I also baked in lighting and ambient occlusion into the textures. Programs used are Maya, Photoshop and Headus.

Mayan Ruins

This is a 3D render of some overgrown Mayan ruins. Programs I used to make this are Maya, Photoshop, Crazybump and Headus UV Layout.

Orc Character Model

This is my first real attempt at making a 3D character. He could use a little more work but overall I am pretty happy with the results. Programs used are Maya, Photoshop, Crazybump and Headus UV Layout.

Allyway Texture

This is a render of a textured 3D model. On this assignment I just wanted to focus on getting an awesome texture so I just modeled this small space. Then I went out into Seattle and took a bunch of pictures that I then collage them together to make the texture. Programs used are Maya, Photoshop and Crazybump.

Allyway Texture

Here is the breakdown of the allyway.